
The scope of the European Brushware Federation (FEIBP) is to maintain and to promote the mutual interests of its members in economical and technical fields and to advise and protect its members in all professional questions.


FEIBP represents the members’ interests to the competent European authorities, institutions and also to other official departments by presenting proposals for its special field and by giving necessary information. The relationship between and the mutual cooperation with all European member companies will be improved and intensified. The European Brushware Federation is politically independent.



The annual meetings of FEIBP represent a central range of the “association life”.

For organisational reasons the work of the FEIBP is dedicated to the following structure:

  • Technical Brushes
  • Household Brushes
  • Hygiene Brushes
  • Personal Care Brushes
  • Paintbrushes and rollers Raw materials for the Brush and Paintbrush industry

Besides the important discussions with the suppliers of raw materials these assemblies offer a good opportunity for founding and deepening the relationship inside the branch. This important item is handled under the key-word “Networking”.



By means of its working groups the European Brushware Federation accompanies the European standardisation works in CEN and represents the interests of the Brush- and Paintbrush-Industry.

Amongst this, special emphasis is to be given to the works of the Technical committee CEN/TC 173, which elaborated following standards:

  • EN 1083-1 “Power driven brushing tools, Part 1: Definitions”
  • EN 1083-2 “Power driven brushing tools, Part 2: Safety requirements”

FEIBP charter for Professional Hygiene Brushes

The FEIBP has elaborated a charter for Professional Hygiene Brushes. More information and a list of registerd companies you will find on the following website:

Product sectors


The objectives of the Federation are:
  • To represent the members of the Federation
  • To facilitate contacts between its members and to reinforce the bonds of fellowship which should unite all the members of a single industry, throughout the whole of the various countries of Europe and with other Federations/Associations throughout the world.
  • To research jointly the solutions to be applied to the problems which present themselves to the Brush industry, on both the economic and the social fronts.
  • To promote all initiatives which may encourage the development of the Brush Industry
  • To present and support resolutions adopted unanimously by the Countries represented before the International Organisations and also, via the Trade Organisations for specific member companies of the Federation, and in this latter case until the formation of a National Association, before the governments of each Country.
  • Through its support or by any other means, to promote all Trade or General organisations whose objectives are scientific, economic and social research, to centralise and disseminate documentation of general or specific interest to the trade, and to promote and support all research and studies concerning the trade.
  • To endeavour to resolve any difficulties which may arise between the members of the Federation and to reconcile the parties.


In the fifties, two important events were certainly the signature of the EEC Treaty (1957) and the World Exhibition in Brussels (1958). The FEIBP was founded during that exhibition.

The Federation is administered by the Board, composed of one delegate from each Member Country. The board takes public actions together: President, Vice President, Treasurer and a General Manager.

The Federation is composed of three categories of members: Full members, associated members and affiliate members. These three categories of members are allowed to take part in the General Assemblies and any other activities organised by the Federation.

Actually, the following 17 countries are full FEIBP members: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.


FEIBP Working Groups

FEIBP Working Groups are:

  • Technical brushes
  • Professional Hygiene Brushware (PHB)
  • Paint Brushes
  • Personal Care

Each year the FEIBP organises an International Congress where all members are informed about the latest sector developments and exchange of views. The federation follows international legislation concerning the sector and also the standardisation activities at European (CEN) and international level (ISO).